Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control

Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control

Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control

Your paper must be at least 750 words APA format

you must use the care plan created and attached below (DON’T USE A DIFFERENT ONE!). Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control the paper should follow the outline (include all headers found there)


Admission Date: 07/30/2019

Insurance: Seasons Hospice

Directive: Hospice and DNR( Do not Resuscitate)

Allergies: Donepezil, Mirtazapine, Naproxen, Penicillin V potassium

Refused Vaccines: Pneumococal & Influenza

Physician Approved Side Rails

DNR order Signed By Daughter and Physician

Pured Diet

Ambulated with Assistive Devices

Sight; Impaired

Rirk Alerts: Falls and Difficulty Swallowing

Social History: Denies tobacco use or illicit drugs

Podiatrist Notes: Ingrow nail, Chronic Disease PVD. Treatment: Debridement.

Progress Note 12-23-19 ( Chronically ill, lower back pain. Decrease ROM on extremities, Constipation)

Patient always appeared anxious and depressed, she was always complaining of being uncomfortable and seem confused and week. Patient will always keep begging for help and would have to leave the room for her to be able to eat by herself bc otherwise she kept saying she was not able to eat. Patient was also very shy, did not liked being undressed in front of student. Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control

All of the requirements are attached.

School of Nursing QEP Writing Prompt NUR 1025L/1002L (Fundamentals of/Transition to Nursing Clinical) During this clinical rotation, you have taken care of several clients. Pick one client that you took care of, and based on that specific patient scenario, write a reflective journal on the care of your client on one of the topics listed below based on evidenced based practice. Your reflective journal will include the following: An introduction to the topic that will be written on and how it connects to your client, cited references from your textbook and outside source on the assigned/selected topic, analysis of the topic and care of your client, and conclude by summarizing what was learned from the assignment and if new knowledge was gained. Nur1025L/1002L QEP Topic List 1. Nutrition 2. Patient education 3. Mobility 4. Communication 5. Pain Scales/ Assessment/ Interventions (Non-Pharmacologic) 6. Asepsis and infection Control 7. Skin Integrity and Wound Care 8. Comfort and Pain Management 9. Stress and Adaptation 10. Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
Loss, Grief, and Dying Requirements: o Your paper must be at least 750 words not to exceed 1000 words. o Please double space your paper and use Times New Roman standard 12-point font. o Make sure to proofread your paper; visit and present proof of seeing a writing tutor before submitting to “Turn-it-in” o Please use a minimum of two (2) references. The two references will include the required class textbook and at least one outside scholarly source. Follow APA format must be used citing and referencing sources. o Please include your word count at the end of your assignment. MDC BLSON 1/2020 QEP Fundamentals Writing Prompt MIAMI DADE COLLEGE BENJAMIN LEON SCHOOL OF NURSING QEP GRADING RUBRIC Criteria Introduction Content/Application of Scholarly Resources Score-Exemplary (A) 18.5-20% States topic thoroughly with a well-developed definitive statement which is consistently the focal point throughout the paper. Score-Proficient (B) 16.9-18.4% States the topic clearly with adequate direction for the paper and is the focal point for most of the paper. Score-Developing (C) 15.3-16.8% States topic but is too vague or unclear and focal point not maintained throughout the paper. Score-Emerging (D) 13.7-15.2% The topic is not clearly defined and lacks focus throughout. Score-Deficient (F) 0-13.6% Fails to identify the topic and lacks focus throughout. At least two (2) cited, scholarly sources which are current, (within the last 5-10 years) and relevant, to the topic. There is analysis, (compare/contrast) of the topic. Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
At least two (2) cited, scholarly sources which are current, (within the last 5-10 years) and relevant, to the topic. However, there is limited, or no analysis, (compare and contrast) of the topic. Only one (1) cited, scholarly source which is current, (within the last 5-10 years) relevant, to the topic. However, there is limited, or no analysis, (compare and contrast) of the topic. Only one (1) cited, scholarly source which is current, (within the last 5-10 years) relevant, to the topic. However, there is no analysis, (compare and contrast) of the topic.Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control There is no cited scholarly source. There is no analysis, (compare and contrast) of the topic. MDC BLSON 1/2020 QEP Grading Rubric T.M Conclusion Writing APA/Content/ Quality of Research Thoroughly Summarizes what was learned from this assignment and the particular topic. Includes if new knowledge was gained. Content is well organized, logical, and clearly stated with little, or no grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. Compliant with current APA formatting guidelines. References are appropriate and properly cited within the paper and on the reference page.Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
All references are included. Minimal errors are noted. Clearly summarizes what was learned from the assignment and the particular topic. Includes if new knowledge was gained. Mostly summarizes what was learned from the assignment and the particular topic. Does not include whether or not new knowledge was gained. Content is mostly Content is somewhat organized, logical and organized, several clearly stated and ideas are off topic, with minimal several grammatical, grammatical, punctuation and punctuation, or spelling errors. spelling errors. Good use current Fair use of current APA formatting APA formatting guidelines. guidelines. Provides References are references that may mostly appropriate not be relevant or and well cited within appropriately cited. the paper and on the All sources cited are reference page. not present on the Occasional errors are reference page. noted. Multiple errors are noted. Total Points: Possible Points: 100 A (93-100) B (85-92) C (77-84) D (76-69) F (69 and below) MDC BLSON 1/2020 QEP Grading Rubric T.M Minimal summary of the topic. There is a lack of summary of the topic. Content is fairly organized, many ideas are off topic, many grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Content is disorganized with numerous grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Current APA formatting guidelines were minimally used. All sources cited are not present on the reference page or not cited.Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
Many errors noted. Current APA formatting guidelines were not used. No references cited. Numerous errors noted. NUR 1025L/1002L Fundamentals of Nursing/Transition to Nursing QEP Assignment Introduce your QEP topic. Patient Description Include age, ethnic background (if relevant to the topic), gender, acuity level within hospital (step down, floor, ICU), or if in a nursing home (assisted living facility, rehabilitation, or skilled nursing), relevant medical history, diagnosis, reasons for admission, length of stay, etc. Please be mindful of HIPPA. Patient Care Read and insert literature relevant to the topic: • What kind of care is the patient receiving? • How is the nursing staff currently addressing the patient’s health concerns? • Why are the current nursing interventions important for the patient’s overall health? • How do these interventions contribute to improving the patient’s health? Analysis Read and insert literature which is relevant to the topic: • How does the care the patient is currently receiving compare/contrast to evidencebased practice? • Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
If the care provided differs from suggested practice, why did the nurse or student nurse choose to deviate? • If there is limited information available on patient care, what kind of care MIGHT the patient receive for their current ailment(s) according to evidence-based practice? Summary Summarize most important points from paper. Draw any final conclusions about topic. Reflection In this section, you may now begin to write in first person (I, me, my). Address these questions in this section in a narrative fashion: • What did you learn from the assignment? • How does this new information compare to your prior knowledge? • How do you feel about it? • How did it change you? • What new skills can you now apply? • How it will impact your practice in the future? • Did you experience any “a-ha” moment(s)? • What new connections did you make from your class, textbook, research, and experience? Assignment: Asepsis and infection Control
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