Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando

What questions does Orlando’s theory guide the nurse to consider in caring for Susan and Sam?

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando.

Explore the 1950 and 60’s in the United States:

Explore was happening in the United States during this time (culture, social, economics, struggles)

What did nursing look like during this time (what were their jobs like, responsibilities, dress, autonomy, respect)

What is the most influential accomplishment in nursing theory from the 1950’s and 1960’s?

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando Concept and Theories in Nursing

This week, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the theories from each module. Please select one theory from each module (1-8) and answer the following questions. You should have two slides per theory: Module 1 theory(Nightingale’s Environmental Theory), Module 2(Henderson’s theory), Module 3(Orlando’s theory), Module 4(King’s Conceptual System Theory), Module 5(Roy’s Theory), Module 6(Leininger’s Theory) and Module 7(Parse’s theory).

Describe the theory

Provide 3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

Provide 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

Explain 3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

Describe two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier (support methods with sources)

Support from literature clearly noted throughout

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando Week 7: Nursing Theory Applied to Evidence

Based Practice

This week we are focusing on the application of nursing theories to evidence-based practice. In NR 500, you explored an area of interest related to your selected specialty track (Family nurse practitioner). You then identified an issue/concern related to that area of interest. For this discussion: select a nursing theory or model that can be used as a framework to support the resolution of your identified issue/concern. (Let’s choose Jean Watson’s theory of caring).

In your initial response, address the following:
 How the selected nursing theory or model is relevant to your specialty track
 A brief description of the issue/concern
 How the selected nursing theory or model can be used to guide the resolution of the issue/concern
Include an example from the literature or your own experience to illustrate your points.
Remember to include at least one outside scholarly source.

Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando Case study

Ann, a community nurse, made an afternoon home visit with Susan and her father. After the death of her mother, Susan had growing concerns about her father living alone. “I worry about my father all the time. He is becoming more forgetful and he has trouble seeing. Mom used to take care of him. I am not sleeping and I am irritable around him. Yesterday I shouted at him because he wouldn’t let me help him with his laundry. I felt terrible! I am at my wits’ end! My brothers and sisters do not want to put dad in a nursing home but they are not willing to help out. As usual, they have left me with all the responsibility. I work part time and have two small children to care for.” Susan’s father, Sam, sat quietly with tears filling his eyes. He was well nourished and well-groomed but would not make eye contact. Nurse Ann noticed that the house was clean and orderly. A tray in front of the TV had the remains of a ham sandwich and glass of ice tea. Mail was piled up, unopened on a small table near the front door. There was only one car in the driveway and the yard was in need of attention. Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando

1. What questions does Orlando’s theory guide the nurse to consider in caring for Susan and Sam?
2. Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando.
Explore the 1950 and 60’s in the United States:
1. Explore was happening in the United States during this time (culture, social, economics, struggles)
2. What did nursing look like during this time (what were their jobs like, responsibilities, dress, autonomy, respect)
3. What is the most influential accomplishment in nursing theory from the 1950’s and 1960’s?

Power Point should include at least 4 outside references and the textbook. It should include title and reference slides and be 14-20 slides. Develop a family plan of care from the perspective of Orlando

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