Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below. In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Interprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Practices of culturally sensitive care
  6. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
  7. Population health concerns
  8. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  9. Health policy
  10. Leadership and economic models
  11. Health disparities

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Week 4 Reflective Journal: Telehealth Sample Paper

Aynur Kabota

Grand Canyon University NRS-493


Week 4 Reflective Journal: Telehealth

Continuous learning is a very important aspect of modern-day nursing. Nurses have to keep researching and discovering new aspects of nursing to ensure that they remain updated in the new laws, technologies, and competencies that develop. This week, one of the new nursing approaches that I discussed with my preceptor is telehealth nursing. Telehealth nursing has become a very important aspect of nursing currently, especially because of COVID-19 it has led to patients’ need to seek healthcare from home. Telehealth technologies allow people to access nursing and other healthcare services without having to attend physical sessions. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

For telehealth to be effective, it needs good collaboration between nurses and physicians. In telehealth, patients may need prescriptions from physicians and care from nurses who are both not physically present. Therefore, various professionals must work together to ensure that patients are not confused. While, in some cases, nurses maybe with the patients but doctors be away, the communication between the two professionals is very important. Failure to communicate effectively may be a barrier to the process of delivering care (van Houwelingen et al., 2016). The collaboration should also include aspects that affect the relationships between patients and professionals like privacy and confidentiality. Nurses must always ensure that the technology used in communication does not allow information to reach people. Therefore should be adequate security of the data shared between nurses and the patients to ensure that ethical bounds are maintained and that the patients’ rights are not violated. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

The use of telehealth nursing is meant to ensure that even though people may have problems physically attending to their healthcare needs by visiting professionals in their offices, they still get dignified treatment via ICT. Recently, the CMS has changed its policy to allow medical professionals’ reimbursement for services offered via telehealth services. It is important to consider the laws to avoid suits (Park et al., 2016). The new policy has allowed patients across the country to benefit from services they would have missed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic that spreads easily led to social distancing and therefore made it impossible for the traditional means of healthcare delivery to be effective. Therefore, telehealth has filled the gap that resulted and ensured that people still get services without going to hospitals where their risk of getting Coronavirus may be high.  Also, telehealth only works for services that do not need a physical presence. For instance, telehealth can be effective for checkups where the nurse or doctor may ask the patient questions via video calls or phone calls to know their progress and prescribe medication for their conditions. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

In conclusion, nurses have to continuously consider new developments and apply them to benefit their patients. From recent literature, telehealth is among the most recent developments that have been effective in combating Coronavirus. Nurses must consider using the new model of care, especially for patients who are not high-risk cases, to reduce the congestion in practices and ensure that their services are accessible to all the people in need because the CMS now considers telehealth as seriously as in-person services. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care


Park, H. J., Cho, D. Y., Park, Y. S., Kim, S. W., Park, J. H., & Park, N. C. (2016). Controlling legal risk for effective hospital management. The world journal of men’s health34(1), 56-63.

van Houwelingen, C. T., Moerman, A. H., Ettema, R. G., Kort, H. S., & ten Cate, O. (2016). Competencies required for nursing telehealth activities: A Delphi-study. Nurse education today39, 50-62.

Week 5 Reflective Journal Sample Paper

Aynur Kabota

Grand Canyon University NRS-493


Week 5 Reflective Journal

This week’s practicum helped me understand more about health policy and health care delivery, and clinical systems. My project on negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is based on a trial basis to determine whether it can be widely utilized in the healthcare setting. I discussed the relevant changes with my preceptor that would be required to implement the change project widely in the organization. In this discussion, I learned how health policy in a health care organization is implemented. The preceptor updated me on instituting standard protocols by creating a proposal that is reviewed by the nurse leader and, depending on the scope, may be forwarded to the chief nursing officer. The project would then be approved and passed as a policy and standard procedure in the healthcare organization. This discussion made me realize the need for thoroughness in research and institute organization-wide changes to healthcare practices. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Additionally, in my practice, I researched and reflected on the use of NPWT with the existing clinical systems. One of the crucial approaches that nurses can use is information systems used to monitor patient progress. When NPWT is used in out-patient treatment, the nurse can follow-up with the patient on video calls. This information system is crucial because the nurse can judge by looking at the wound’s appearance whether it is healing. Therefore, NPWT can be coupled with telemedicine to monitor patient progress and enhance outcomes. This week was a success in understanding how policies are implemented in clinical work and how it can be coupled with existing clinical systems. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Week 6 Journal Entry: Ethical Considerations Sample Paper

Aynur Kabota

Grand Canyon University NRS-493


This week’s main deliverable was to conduct a literature review to identify gaps and enhance outcomes supporting my capstone project. My project on NPWT involves patients from different backgrounds and a change in the standard care process. In my discussions with my preceptor, I focused on the ethical considerations of care as a core competence of the practicum experience. The traditional healthcare principles include beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy. In a discussion with my preceptor, she identified the importance of allowing the target population to choose autonomy in care. When applying NPWT, the patients would thus be allowed the freedom to reject the technology from being used in their treatment. Another crucial ethical concern is the impact of technology on patients. Research shows no significant adverse effects of using NPWT (Agarwal, Kukrele, & Sharma, 2019); thus, ethical consideration is covered. Ensuring patient autonomy and beneficence are crucial aspects of this study in enhancing care outcomes when using NPWT. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Another crucial ethical consideration in this study is the pain associated with the care process. Pain is a part of the treatment process, but providers have to decide on the justification of pain associated with care processes. NPWT foam dressing is a significant source of pain in wound care during the changes in dressing (Téot, Boissiere, & Fluieraru, 2017). My discussion with the preceptor led me to understand the importance of ethics in pain management. In the intervention, therefore, the researcher should strive to minimize pain while maintaining the interventions’ efficacy. To uphold ethical practice, I can give patients the freedom to leave the intervention at any time for aspects such as excess pain. This will add to the ethical consideration of autonomy to ensure ethical intervention methods. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Overall, this week’s practice allowed me to reflect on ethical considerations in care and their connection to my change project. The project intervention should ensure that patients’ experiences are considered for an ethical experience. Allowing patients the autonomy to choose whether or not to continue with the intervention ensures autonomy. Similarly, autonomy allows the patients’ experiences to be enhanced through their ability to leave the intervention if the pain is unbearable. Pain management should be included as part of the NPWT to address the excess pain caused by foam dressing. This preceptorship experience was crucial in outlining the importance of ethics in wound care. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care


Agarwal, P., Kukrele, R., & Sharma, D. (2019). Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC)/negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for difficult wounds: A review. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 10(5), 845-848.

Téot, L., Boissiere, F., & Fluieraru, S. (2017). Novel foam dressing using negative pressure wound therapy with instillation to remove thick exudate. International Wound Journal, 14(5), 842-848.

Week 7 Reflective Journal SAmple Paper

Aynur Kabota

Grand Canyon University NRS-493


This week of my practicum experience involved an overview of how to evaluate the capstone project. I discussed the relevant approaches with my preceptor and came up with a few approaches to determine the impact of the intervention on the patients and staff. To effectively understand the impact of the intervention on care, I had to consider interprofessional collaboration as a core competence in this practicum. According to Souza et al. (2016), interprofessional collaboration is an essential collaborative work that nurses engage with other practitioners in the health care organization to boost health outcomes. In my project, I reflected on how this would be implemented. Collaboration can be implemented by working alongside non-nursing staff such as physicians and technicians who can assist with the NPWT devices. In the intervention, I have to ensure that nurses get user support from technicians who can properly use the devices. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Moreover, reflection on this week’s work allowed me to relate my work to respect human dignity. A crucial aspect of dignity is that nurses should involve patients in their care and let them make crucial decisions (Mullen, Kydd, Fleming, & McMillan, 2019). The NPWT intervention will be carried out voluntarily, whereby patients can choose not to undergo the therapy for their reasons. This will ensure the patients’ autonomy is upheld and their dignity preserved. This week’s discussions with my preceptor allowed me to understand the importance of interprofessional collaboration and upholding human dignity in the project intervention. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care


Mullen, R. F., Kydd, A., Fleming, A., & McMillan, L. (2019). Dignity in nursing care: What does it mean to nurse students?. Nursing Ethics, 26(2), 390-404.

Souza, G. C. D., Peduzzi, M., Silva, J. A. M. D., & Carvalho, B. G. (2016). Teamwork in nursing: restricted to nursing professionals or an interprofessional collaboration?. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 50(4), 642-649.

Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care Week 8 Journal Sample Paper

Aynur Kabota

Grand Canyon University NRS-493


This week in my practicum experience, I had the opportunity of discussing and reflecting on leadership and economic models concerning the proposed change project of implementing negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). In a discussion with my preceptor, I looked at the means that healthcare leadership affects care outcomes. I learned that effective healthcare leadership requires consideration of patient-centered care with the core competencies of emotional intelligence, teamwork, selfless service, and critical thinking being on the forefront (Hargett et al., 2017). The leader’s role in this project is not only to provide guidance on project implementation but also to secure the relevant financial support for the project. Therefore, engaging the healthcare organization leaders also requires an understanding of the healthcare organization’s economic model. Thus, this experience helped me understand the importance of aligning the intervention with leadership interests and obtaining buy-in by placing the project favorably in the economic model. Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care

Grand Canyon University NRS 493 Week 9 Culturally Sensitive Pediatric Care References

Hargett, C. W., Doty, J. P., Hauck, J. N., Webb, A. M., Cook, S. H., Tsipis, N. E., … & Taylor, D. C. (2017). Developing a model for effective leadership in healthcare: a concept mapping approach. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 9, 69.

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