NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis

NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis

NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


Meets or Exceeds Mostly Meets Approaches Does Not Meet Expectations
Name, address and
purpose of organization
Points:3.96 (11.00%)Provides the name and address of the organization. Details a clear description of the purpose of the organization. Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Provides the name of the organization and describes the purpose of the organization.

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Provides the name of organization and vaguely describes the purpose of the organization.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not identify the name, address and/or purpose of the organization.

Population served
a. Type of patients served
b. Type of health care concerns
Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Shows an excellent understanding of the population served at this organization. NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Presents a satisfactory understanding of the population served at this organization.

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Presents an unclear understanding of the population served at this organization.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not discuss the population served.

Professional services Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Identifies professional services available in this setting

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly identifies professional services available at this setting

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Minimally identifies/alludes to professional services available at this setting.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not identify any professional services

Geographical/environmental issues
a. Facility
b. Physical layout
c. Accessibility
d. Transportation issues
Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Details a complete analysis of geographical and environmental issues of the organization.

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly explains geographical and environmental issues of the organization.

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Minimally explains issues included in the geographical and environmental issues.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not address the geographical and environmental issues.

Social issues of the
Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Insightfully details and discusses social issues of the population.

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly discusses social issues of the population

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Vaguely discusses social issues of the population

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not discuss the social issues of the population.

internal and external means of
Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Discusses with detail the ways the organization communicates internally and with the community. NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly discusses ways the organization communicates internally and with the community

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Vaguely discusses /alludes to ways the organization communicates internally and with the community.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not discuss how the organization communicates.

Activities during the community experience Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Discusses with detail the activities experienced during the community experience.

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly discusses activities experienced during the community experience.

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Vaguely discusses /alludes to activities experienced during the community experience.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not discuss activities experienced during the community experience.

Programs or changes to
better serve the community
Points:3.96 (11.00%)

Analyzes what program changes might better serve the community.

Points:3.0096 (8.36%)

Briefly discusses possible program changes that might better serve the community.

Points:1.98 (5.50%)

Minimally discusses program changes that might better serve the community.

Points:0.99 (2.75%)

Did not discuss any program changes.

APA format Points:4.32 (12.00%)

Follows the APA format without APA violations, grammar and spelling errors.

Points:3.2832 (9.12%)

Follows the APA format with few APA violations, grammar and spelling errors.

Points:2.16 (6.00%)

Minimally follows the APA format but has multiple violations, grammar and/or spelling errors

Points:1.08 (3.00%)

Did not follow the APA format NURS 316L Nursing Community Experience Analysis


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