NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
Hey! This is a health project. I have attached the topic along with the instructions and rubric? Please ask any questions as this project has a big impact on my grade. If you can please organize and gather all data/information, so it can be placed on a poster. Thanks in advance! NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
If you have any questions please ask!

NURS 4211 Pediatric Health Poster Presentation Assignment Topic/Focus: Creating a poster presentation on a current pediatric health concern Student Learning Outcomes: • • • • Review current literature related to a pediatric health concern Synthesize literature related to a pediatric health concern Identify evidence based nursing actions related to a pediatric health concern Develop confidence regarding professional nursing practice knowledge dissemination Description: The purpose of this activity is to introduce beginning nursing students to the scholarly foundations of pediatric nursing practice and what it means to incorporate evidence based care into practice. The aim is to generate enthusiasm in students and an appreciation of current trends in nursing care and evidence-based nursing practice. The end result of this learning activity is a poster presented to peers. Description in course syllabus: Students select a current Pediatric Health concern from a broad list of topics and then identify a specific sub topic they wish to research. NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
They will then search the literature for related information, and develop a poster to present to peers. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Identify topic and audience Define the problem and relate its implications to nursing practice Review the literature for current practice Summarize current trends in research related to the identified problem Make recommendations for nursing practice Pose questions that you feel still need to be answered Provide a reference list Poster Design Template Tips for creating an effective poster found here: Poster Project Evaluation Poster projects will be evaluated on the following criteria 1. Introduction 2. 3. 4. 5. a. The poster briefly introduces the background and purpose of the project. b. Title clearly reflects the project’s subject matter c. Relevant audience is identified d. Pediatric health problem is clearly identified and defined. NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
Literature Review: a. Describes and connects the subject and context / background to the purpose of the project in an organized, specific and concise manner b. Significance of problem to pediatric nursing practice is identified c. Discusses current standards of care and evidenced based practice addressing the health problem Implications for Practice: a. Communicates most important results obtained in an organized, specific and concise manner b. Identifies current research addressing the health problem c. Identifies possible clinical implications for practice stemming from current research Conclusion: a. The poster provides a brief summary of the results obtained and what is their significance. b. Poses creative questions remaining to be answered as a next step in the investigation c. Provides a clear and concise summary of information discovered and specifically reviews the significance/implications to nursing practice. Organization: a. The poster conforms to accepted textual and visual conventions. b. Includes a bibliography with at least 3 appropriate, current and reliable resources. NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
c. Utilizes appropriate APA in text citations and references d. Overall visually appealing (balanced and pleasing use of colors, text, graphics) e. Organization and flow of information presented is concise and appropriate Broad Subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bullying Vaccines Nutrition/Childhood Obesity Breastfeeding Antibiotic Resistance Developmental Delays Family Centered Care in the Acute care setting as well as for chronic illness Autism Spectrum Low Birth Weight 10. RSV 11. Depression/Anxiety/Mental Health 12. Chronic Illness NURS 4211 Middle Georgia State University Rubric for Pediatric Health Poster Criteria Introduction The poster briefly introduces the background and purpose of the project. • Title clearly reflects the project’s subject matter • Relevant audience is identified • Pediatric health problem is clearly identified and defined. Criteria Literature Review: Describes and connects the subject and context / background to the purpose of the project in an organized, specific and concise manner • Significance of problem to pediatric nursing practice is identified • NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
Discusses current standards of care and evidenced based practice addressing the health problem Criteria Implications for Practice: Communicates most important results obtained in an organized, specific and concise manner • Identifies current research addressing the health problem • Identifies possible clinical implications for practice stemming from current research Updated: 08/02/2017 KL 20 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. 20 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. 20 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. 18 While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 18 While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 18 While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 16 14 12 or less Although all components are present, two or more components needed a more thorough discussion Although all components are present, the content is superficial or not well developed Did not address one or more components or was off topic. 16 14 12 or less Although all components are present, two or more components needed a more thorough discussion Although all components are present, the content is superficial or not well developed Did not address one or more components or was off topic. NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
16 14 12 or less Although all components are present, two or more components needed a more thorough discussion Although all components are present, the content is superficial or not well developed Did not address one or more components or was off topic. Criteria Conclusion: The poster provides a brief summary of the results obtained and what is their significance. • Poses creative questions remaining to be answered as a next step in the investigation • Provides a clear and concise summary of information discovered and specifically reviews the significance/implications to nursing practice. Criteria Organization: The poster conforms to accepted textual and visual conventions. • Includes a bibliography with at least 5 appropriate, current and reliable resources. • Utilizes appropriate APA in text citations and references • Utilizes appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation. • Overall visually appealing (balanced and pleasing use of colors, text, graphics) • NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
Organization and flow of information presented is concise and appropriate Updated: 08/02/2017 KL 20 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. 20 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. 18 While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 18 While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 16 14 12 or less Although all components are present, two or more components needed a more thorough discussion Although all components are present, the content is superficial or not well developed Did not address one or more components or was off topic. NURS 4211 Health Project Poster: Childhood Obesity
16 14 12 or less Although all components are present, two or more components needed a more thorough discussion Although all components are present, the content is superficial or not well developed Did not address one or more components or was off topic. Pediatric Health Poster Topic Topic: Nutrition/Childhood Obesity Audience: Parents Instructor Feedback: Good topic. Just make sure you do have implications. Such as tools that can help parents ensure good nutrition
Pediatric Health Poster Topic
Topic: Nutrition/Childhood Obesity
Audience: Parents
Instructor Feedback: Good topic. Just make sure you do have implications. Such as tools that can help parents ensure good nutrition