Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay

Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay

Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay

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You can assume the role of a nurse leader and you can answer the questions using peer reviewed nursing journals, journal of nursing economics, the Blais and Hayes text and your Huber textbook. Direct quotes can be used but no more than 15 words followed by the correct citation. For the question dealing with the role of the bachelor’s prepared nurse you can use the AACN document on the “The Essentials of the Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice” Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay

The paper will be written in 6th edition APA format. This interview paper is required to be an individual effort. You may need to combine headings for the paper. Use the questions to guide the content of your paper.

You will answer the questions based on what is expected of an organization as stated in the literature.

Use this link for info and references if you need too! Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay

Leadership Interview Questions

  • What are the mission and the vision of ………….? Please describe how the mission and vision statements guide the nursing practice and the delivery of care here at _________?
  • Are there core values of this facility? What are they and how do you promote them?
  • If you had to add an additional core value to the mission statement what would it be and why?
  • What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader? Can you give me an example of this in practice?
  • How would you describe your leadership style? Democratic, Laisse-fair, Authoritarian?
  • Kindly state your type of leadership: Transformational, Transactional, or a combination?
  • What leadership theory guides how you lead? Is it Lewin’s Change Theory,
  • What are the most important characteristics you believe an effective leader should possess?
  • Do all the registered nurses on your unit possess a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing? If no, how do you encourage and motivate these nurses to seek a Bachelor’s degree and pursue lifelong learning?
  • What are your expectations of a nurse with a Bachelor’s Degree in your department?.
  • What leadership competencies should the Bachelors prepared nurse possess to deliver high quality patient care?
  • Can you describe the organizational culture here at ————–? How would you prepare the newly hired bachelors prepared nurse to understand the organizational culture of any facility?
  • How do you promote a healthy work environment and avoid a toxic culture.
  • What motivates you as a leader? How do you effect change on your unit or in your department?
  • If you had the opportunity to be a preceptor or mentor of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) student would you be willing to take on that role. Why is preceptorship or mentorship important to you as a nurse leader?

Toxic culture signs are noted to bebullying, incivility, gossip and negativity, high absenteeism and turnover, no warm welcome for new staff, lack of teamwork , no staff referrals to work on the unit ( Tye & Dent, 2017; Sherman, 2019).

Use this link for info and references if you need too!

References are required: one from the course textbook.Others from a peer-reviewed NURSING journal less than 5 years old. National professional, governmental, or educational organizations (.org, .gov, be used as supplemental references.

Use APA format

Role of a Nurse Leader Descriptive Essay Must use the textbook as Reference



Huber, D. (2018). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (6th ed.).

Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevie

Use your own words as much as you can!

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