NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 2 Instructions: Community Resources

NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 2 Instructions: Community Resources

Research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 3-5 page report. As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity. Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. See NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 1 Here.


Many organizations work to better local and global communities’ quality of life and promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations. As change agents, nurses must be aware of factors that impact the organization and the services that it offers. Familiarity with these organizations enables the nurse to offer assistance as a volunteer and source of referral. This assessment provides an opportunity for you gain insight into the mission, vision, and operations of a community services organization of interest.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.
    • Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.
  • Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.
    • Explain how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
    • Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s provision of services.
  • Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
    • Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within a community.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
    • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Assume you are interested in expanding your role as a nurse and are considering working in an area where you can help to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life within the local or global community. You are aware of the work of several nonprofit organizations and government agencies whose work contributes to this effort in some way.

You have particular interest in one of these organizations but would like to know more about how it contributes to public health and safety improvements. In addition, you would like to report the results of your research in a scholarly paper that you could submit for publication. As you begin to prepare this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Nonprofit Organizations and Community Health activity.

Complete this activity to gain insight into promoting equal opportunity and improving the quality of life in a community. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Then, choose the organization or agency you are most interested in researching:

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft research paper to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


Research your chosen organization and submit a report of your findings.

Document Format and Length

Format your paper using APA style.

  • Use the APA Style Paper Template. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Be sure to include:
    • A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • Your paper should comprise 3–5 pages of content plus title and references pages.
Supporting Evidence

Cite at least three credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications that support your research findings.

Graded Requirements

The research requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.

  • Explain how the organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements.
    • Include examples of ways a local and/or global initiative supports organizational mission and vision and promotes public health and safety.
  • Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in the community.
    • Consider the effects of social, cultural, economic, and physical barriers.
  • Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on the organization’s provision of services.
    • Consider the potential implications of funding decisions, policy, and legislation for individuals, families, and aggregates within the community.
  • Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community.
    • Consider how nurses might become involved with the organization.
  • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
    • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
    • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.


Before submitting your paper, proofread it to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on your research findings. Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final capstone course.

NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 2 Instructions: Community Resources Example Paper

Local, national, and global healthcare organizations collaborate in actualizing governments’ health directives regarding approaches to safeguard public health. Also, they coordinate services to ensure preparedness and avert public health risks such as disease outbreaks. It is essential to note that the American constitution entitles Americans to quality, convenience care services that ensure equality. While access to quality and convenient care is a constitutional entitlement, the national government collaborates with states to address social determinants of health (SDOH) and sources of health disparities that compromise populations’ access to timely, quality, and affordable care.

In the collective efforts to safeguard public health and ensure equal health opportunities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) play a significant role in supporting and implementing community-based interventions pertinent to reducing and preventing diseases, enhancing care coordination at the local and national level, and funding context-specific health programs to bolster preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of threats to public health.

The Organizational Mission, Vision, and Roles in Promoting Public Health and Safety

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been operational for over seven decades since 1946. It operates as the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) ‘s operating agency, mandated to actualize government programs and interventions for protecting public health and safeguarding community safety. The CDC aims to save lives and protect people from health threats by preventing diseases and other health risks through applying advanced research knowledge and data analysis (CDC, 2022a). Further, the agency envisions the world as a platform where people can achieve healthcare equality by realizing their full potential of preparedness, response, and recovery amid health emergencies.

NURS-FPX4060 Assessment 2 Instructions: Community Resources

Besides the organizational mission and vision, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages interdisciplinary and multi-actor collaboration by partnering with local, national, and international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to strengthen preparedness and bolster community safety at the national and global scopes.

Tappero et al. (2017) contend that the CDC established a functional global health protection platform that entails and consolidates agreements from ministries of health (MOHs), the collaboration between non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and inputs from academic organizations. This platform aims to promote inter-organizational cooperation and consolidate institutional capabilities to strengthen the collective capacity of safeguarding public health and safety.

Apart from creating a platform for inter-organizational collaboration, the CDC has an established public safety program based on one of the ten sector groupings within the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). The program has various sub-themes, including fire service, law enforcement, emergency medical services, corrections, and wildfire services (CDC, 2020).

The mission of the public safety program is to reduce and eliminate occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among workers by incorporating research and prevention initiatives. In this sense, the program emphasizes improving occupational safety and health (OSH) by implementing evidence-based interventions for assessing occupational health threats and learning how to implement these measures to achieve sustainable workplace health. Undoubtedly, this initiative promotes public health and safety by intercepting and addressing threats that manifest in workplaces.

The organizational Role in Promoting Public Health Equity and Improving Quality of Life (QoL) in a community

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention engages in multi-disciplinary approaches for assessing community vulnerability to public health threats and understanding the implications of the social determinants of health (SDOH) in increasing populations’ susceptibility to public health threats such as disease outbreaks and prevalence. According to Singu et al. (2020), the social determinants of health (SDOH) are social and economic conditions grouped into five major determinants; health and health care, social and community context, neighborhood and built environment, education, and economic stability.

Health and health care determinants encompass access to quality care, primary care, insurance coverage, and health literacy (Singu et al., 2020). On the other hand, social and community contexts entail conditions and circumstances where people live, learn, and work. They rely massively upon the neighborhood and built environment factors such as access to healthy food, air quality, transportation, health infrastructure, and access to green spaces. These social determinants of health collectively contribute to health disparities by creating imbalances and inequalities among populations pertinent to access to quality, timely, and affordable care.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aims at addressing factors for community vulnerability by supporting the functions of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). NCCDPHP aims to achieve health equity by eliminating health inequalities and ensuring the optimal health of all Americans. It actualizes many community-level programs such as the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Health (REACH), social determinants of health mapping, and surveillance strategies for identifying and assessing community health needs (CDC, 2022b).

For instance, the REACH program supports coalitions and partnerships between local health organizations to implement population-oriented initiatives that target vulnerable populations such as Hispanics, Alaska Natives, Pacific Islanders, end African Americans. Undoubtedly, community-based programs profoundly improve public health and safety by addressing sources of health inequalities that compromise access to quality, timely, affordable, and convenient care.

Funding Sources, Policies, Legislation, and Organization’s Service Delivery

Although various national healthcare policies influence the CDC’s scope of operation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 massively expanded the organizational services delivery. It is essential to note that the CDC receives funding from government appropriations and private sources such as philanthropists and private corporations. After its enactment in 2010, the ACA placed a substantial emphasis on public health and prevention (Chait & Glied, 2018).

The subsequent ACA’s provisions established the Prevention and Public Health Fund under Section 4002 ‘to provide for expanded and sustained national investment in prevention and public health programs to improve health and help restrain the growth rate in private and public health care costs” (CDC, 2021). Undoubtedly, this provision enhanced CDC’s service delivery by mandating the nation’s mandatory funding stream dedicated to prevention and preparedness programs.

The Impacts Organization’s Work on Local Communities

As stated earlier, the CDC focuses on safeguarding public health and safety by engaging in interdisciplinary measures to address sources of health disparities among communities. The agency oversees local and national population-specific health interventions for bolstering community resilience amid multiple threats to public health. Further, the agency incorporates research and data-driven programs in preventing diseases and fostering community recovery capacities. Finally, the CDC’s local programs target vulnerable groups such as older adults, children, adolescents, infants, and women. These activities enhance public health by ensuring health equity and guaranteeing positive outcomes.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention operates under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as a national agency for preventing, controlling, and managing diseases alongside other threats to public health. The organization spearheads local, national, and global multi-actor programs for reducing the community’s susceptibility to health threats. The organizational ability to sponsor programs and implement evidence-based health initiatives enables CDC to target vulnerable groups such as children, ethnic minorities, women, and the elderly. These activities resonate with ACA’s provision for bolstering national preparedness and response capacity in the event of health emergencies.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 22). Prevention and public health fund. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, February 25). Mission, role, and Pledge. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 18, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, March 3). Health equity. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from

Chait, N., & Glied, S. (2018). Promoting prevention under the Affordable Care Act. Annual Review of Public Health, 39(1), 507–524.

Singu, S., Acharya, A., Challagundla, K., & Byrareddy, S. N. (2020). Impact of social determinants of health on the emerging COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Frontiers in Public Health, 8.

Community Resources Scoring Guide

Explain how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements. Does not describe an organization’s mission and vision as they relate to public health. Partially describes how an organization’s mission and vision as they relate to public health. Explains how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements. Explains how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements. Draws well-reasoned, logical conclusions about the organization’s work and provides a specific, relevant example of how a local and/or global initiative supports the organization’s mission and vision and promotes public health and safety.
Evaluate an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community. Does not describe how an organization promotes equal opportunity and improves the quality of life in a community. Describes how an organization promotes equal opportunity and improves the quality of life in a community. Evaluates an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community. Evaluates an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community, with regard to the effects of social, cultural, economic, and physical barriers and their implications for the organization and community.
Assess the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery. Does not identify funding sources, policy, and legislation related to on an organization’s service delivery. Identifies funding sources, policy, and legislation related to an organization’s service delivery. Assesses the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery. Assesses the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery. Provides clear insight into the potential implications of funding decisions, policy, and legislation for community members.
Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community. Does not explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community. Describes an organization’s work in community health and safety. Explains how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community. Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community, and offers creative or insightful ideas about how nurses might become involved with the organization.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/ punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Does not organize content for ideas. Lacks logical flow and smooth transitions. Organizes content with some logical flow and smooth transitions. Contains errors in grammar/ punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Organizes content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/ punctuation, word choice, and spelling. Organizes content with a clear purpose. Content flows logically with smooth transitions using coherent paragraphs, correct grammar/ punctuation, word choice, and free of spelling errors.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Does not apply APA formatting to headings, in-text citations, and references. Does not use quotes or paraphrase correctly. Applies APA formatting to in-text citations, headings and references incorrectly and/or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from the content. Inconsistently uses headings, quotes and/or paraphrasing. Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format. Exhibits strict and flawless adherence to APA formatting of headings, in-text citations, and references. Quotes and paraphrases correctly.
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